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BIT@FSKKP 2018 (September Edition)


Assalamualaikum and warm greetings to all. Welcome to our first bulletin for 2018. This edition brings you coverage of faculty members participation in corporate service responsibility and research exhibitions. We highlight the students and the academicians involvement at the international level with the aim of exchanging knowledge and gaining experience. The close relationship with faculty stakeholders is presented in this edition through their participations in the faculty events.

In conjunction with the 13 UMP Convocation, on behalf of everyone in the team,we congratulate all FSKKP graduates for completing your studies. At the same time, we welcome the additional members of the FSKKP family, from the new session 2018/2019. We are counting for you to make this as your best year in life.

I wish to thank the former chief editor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noraziah and the team for their contributions in previous editions. Not forgotten, a big appreciation to the current editorial team for their effort in making this edition successful.

I hope all readers enjoy the reading and we look forward to your suggestions and future contributions.

Dr Junaida Sulaiman
Chief Editor